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Child Dedication

NEXT DEDICATION DATE:  September 8, 2019, Click here to register!

What Kind of Commitment am I Making?

As parents, you begin by publicly acknowledging your relationship with Jesus Christ. Then you present your child to God in the presence of the leadership and congregation. By doing this, you recognize that he or she belongs to God and has been born to experience His love and to serve Him.  You are committing, as Christian parents, to teach the truths of God's Word in your home and participate in regular worship with your children. You are also committing to be a Christ-like example and seek to lead your children to personal faith in Christ as soon as they are ready.

What happens at a Baby Dedication?


Baby Dedications generally occur at the beginning of our services.  We will ask if you are committing to raise your child under the direction and authority of the Lord and His word. At that time, you may respond accordingly.  We will also ask the church body if they will respond and support the family in doing all they can to support the parents' ability to do so. We pray over each child and family.  After you are escorted off the platform, you may take your child to the nursery and return to the service.  Your child will be presented with the gift of a children's Bible. 

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