Jesus changed our lives, bringing us hope and life. We want to help others find that love, acceptance and hope in Jesus, too.
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus told us to go and make disciples. So that is what we are here to do. We exist to be disciples who make disciples, who live and love like Jesus.
For forty years, people have been coming to our church to experience Biblical teaching and a strong community of disciple makers who are full of warmth and grace. Our worship service is contemporary yet rooted in the truth of the Bible.
Our service lasts about an hour and you will feel at home in casual attire.

We focus on the Word of God. We train our people to have a biblical worldview, to be able to share biblical answers to life’s tough challenges and questions, and to be able to teach the Word. This happens by preaching the word on Sundays and studying it in Groups, Student/Children’s ministry, and encouraging people to be in the word every day.
We are intentional about Relationships. If you have been at Grace in person, you know how important relationships are to us. We value knowing and being known. We view our people as part of our family. We prioritize relational discipleship, living authentic lives together, having fellowship with each other, and sharing in the hurts and celebrations of life.
We prioritize Prayer. Our focus is on the power of prayer and its importance in our lives. We join in corporate prayer journeys; we pray over our church family; we dedicate and pray over our young children and parents; and we have intercessory prayer for the tough times in life.
We collectively Serve. One of our primary purposes here on earth is to serve each other as the body of Christ. We want everyone to know and use their spiritual gifts so that we they can find joy in serving. We also serve our community through outreach opportunities as well as serving the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our people.

- Fri, Feb 21Camp Mantowagan
- Sat, Mar 01Frederick
- Sun, Mar 02Frederick
- Sun, Mar 16Frederick
- Sun, Apr 13Kentucky, USA
- Mon, Jul 14Marion